Stanford InterVarsity Students study the book of Amos, attend a Summer Institute on economic justice at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church and a leadership workshop taught by Dr. John M Perkins, a civil rights activist and leader in Gospel-centered reconciliation and development. Three students commit to establish a ministry-oriented Christian community in East Palo Alto, begin building a team and decide on serving children as primary focus. Thirteen college students and recent graduates from Stanford and Santa Clara Universities begin ministry in East Palo Alto, launching seven neighborhood-based Bible Clubs.
Bayshore Christian Ministries is incorporated as a non-profit and the first 3 full time staff members, Andrew Hartwell, Norm Picker and Tony Looper set out to raise BCM’s first budget of $40,000. High School Fellowship, Adventures in Learning (precursor to Summer Adventures in Learning) and scholarship assistance to local private schools begins.

BCM programs continue to grow: High School Fellowship expands to include tutoring, followed by dinner and fellowship; students take mission trips to serve the homeless in Los Angeles; SAIL doubles in size; STEP (Summer-Time Enrichment Program) launches for 1st and 2nd graders; TeenWorks debuts as a school-year program springing from summer Junior High jobs; EPA Voices Today, a newspaper published by the SummerWorks program, is launched and distributed through the community with help from the San Jose Mercury News, Bayshore Animal Clinic and Jones Mortuary.
BCM moves into its newly completed facility built at 1001 Beech Street and hosts first ever programs in the building. There is a major increase in volunteers and interns including many BCM youth and alumni serving in volunteer and staff leadership positions. In order to provide additional volunteer and intern housing, BCM completes the purchase of a second home in the community.

Students participating in BCM’s teen dedication class take a road trip to Southern California and three spring break college teams from Calvin College, Grand Valley State University and Hope College travel to East Palo Alto to learn and serve. Summer program students record an album titled Impact Slap and teens host a Soul Food Dinner and Dance Extravaganza.
BCM begins hosting VBS style programming during the summer at different locations throughout the community and launches EPA Fellows, a leadership development program where recent college graduates explore ministry and gain practical skills in leading youth. College scholarships are awarded to 15 local youth and the EPA Chica Squad competes in Technovation Challenge, place in the top 20, receive honorable mention and are featured in Google’s Made With Code.

StreetWorkz students head off to Missouri to be trained as leaders at Kids Across America Camp. BCM’s First Lego League team earns two Judges Awards during competition and advance to regionals. EPACeneter and BCM begin partnership to offer a variety of art classes to students. Staff, board and volunteers head to CCDA National Conference in Los Angeles.
BCM begins a redesign of the outdoor field, including a basketball court, picnic area and walking trail. The high school First Robotics Competition team has their inaugural season as part of expanded STEAM offerings across all ages. However, the field redesign, FRC competition season and every other aspect of the organization is disrupted by Covid 19 beginning in March 2020. Despite the challenges, programs continue to support students, the Field of Hope is completed and inaugurated in October 2021 and the FRC team expands despite the pandemic.

BCM rebrands as Hope Horizon East Palo Alto. The new logo represents an open door to hope and a future. The inclusion of East Palo Alto in the name indicates our legacy of commitment to this community. We have been and will continue to be an open door to hope, opportunity, community and Christ, rededicating ourselves to serving youth in our community.
But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!
Amos 5:24